A message to our partners and members in response to COVID-19
April 6, 2020

To our valued partners and members,
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic has created a truly unprecedented situation which is affecting us all. This is a challenging time for people and businesses across the globe, and throughout these extreme circumstances and upheaval, we wish everyone health and safety. While the world faces extraordinary risks and uncertainty during this period, we are also aware that this does not slow the development of other health conditions, including critical illnesses, and that patient care management and medical advice remain equally important.
Throughout the last week, although the situation has escalated globally, PGH has remained committed and has completed services for its members including multiple Diagnosis Verification and Treatment Plan (DVTP) services on time and with the expected quality. The cancer and cardiovascular departments at our hospital partners, the top 1% ranked hospitals in the US, remain operative and are delivering services and treatments.
We at PGH would like to reassure that we keep performing and delivering services to our members around the world and remain operational. As a customer or partner, you will continue to receive the same level of service and support we have always provided, and we are very confident this will continue to be the case.
We are doing everything to ensure that you experience no service interruption, as our teams are in full effect and adapting and improving daily. I wish to acknowledge and thank our team for the incredible work they continue to carry out, sharing their experience, skill and knowledge.
At PGH, the global patient organization, we reinstate our commitment to finding the best possible treatment for patients and mobilizing all of our resources to do so. Thank you for being a part of a shared vision of patient advocacy and medical excellence.
We hope that you, your colleagues, families, and friends stay healthy and we come out of this global crisis together and stronger.
Yours sincerely,
David L. Fried, Chairman
Preferred Global Health