Diagnosis Verification & Treatment Plan
Performed by Harvard-level multidisciplinary specialists at the top 1% ranked hospitals in the US. These medical experts safeguard that the diagnosis is both correct and complete and ensure the development of the most appropriate treatment plan.
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Doctor-to-Doctor Dialogue
A real-time discussion between medical professionals: the specialist at the top ranked US hospital and the patient’s local doctor. Taking place via secure video-based conferencing platform, the purpose of the dialogue is to discuss the case, share knowledge, and determine and implement the optimal plan for treatment and recovery.
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US Care Management
If a patient chooses to be treated at one of the recognized best hospitals in the United States, PGH facilitates and makes all arrangements covering hospital processes, concierge services, and in-person support. All medical and travel plans are determined in conjunction with the needs of the patient and their families.
Learn MoreThe right team at top ranked hospitals
Singapore Care Management
Designed for eligible patients who have received the Diagnosis Verification and Treatment Plan and wish to receive treatment at a leading center of medical excellence in Singapore with high level Personal Care Management services.
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